Thursday, November 24, 2011


This week I have been volunteering at La Alegria de El Señor, a school for children with physical disabilities.  I think I have mentioned it before.  Anyways now that my classes are over with, I have had a lot more time to go.  Everyday that I am there I sit next to a little boy named Dean.  He is about 9 years old and I believe he has Muscular Atrophy, or something similar, where he does not have control over his muscles.  The first day I was there we didnt say much to one another, the second day we spoke some, and now I look forward to what he is going to say next!  For a little boy without much control over his muscles he can sure control his smile!  Which is always there, big, bright and full of life.  Unlike some of the other students, Dean can't wheel himself around, feed himself, or write for himself.  This is my job during my time there.  I write his notes, help feed him at lunch, and wheel him around the school grounds.  He is very particular and likes things just so so.  I am learning to write the notes JUST like the teacher does on the board.  If I don't, it may take him a minute, but he has no problem telling me I need to fix it!  For example, if the teacher writes in red chalk (red is his favorite color) then I should write in red pencil, if she underlines something, I should also underline it!  When the bell rings for lunch, I wheel him out of the class and like always he tells me right away "rápido! rápido!!" ("faster! faster!!") and he smiles and laughs as we run through the hallway to the cafeteria.  I'm not sure if that's against the rules or not..but it puts a smile on his face and no one has told me to stop yet!  Lunch is one of the best times to witness the helpfulness of these kids that are each dealing with their own unique challenge.  All ages eat lunch at the same time and the great majority of them are in wheelchairs.  Those that need help being pushed buddy up to another chair and hold on or are taken care of by another student that can walk or a volunteer.  Those that can't eat on their own, are fed by their friends and volunteers.  They all watch out for one another, take care of one another.  After lunch, I hear "rápido! rápido!!" again as we take off down the hall.  The other day Dean finished lunch early so we went on an spider hunting adventure outside...his idea.  He would point me in which direction to go and told me several times "ten cuidado" ("be careful").  I asked him if he liked spiders and he said a little bit.  The biggest surprise was one day when I had finished writing his notes and closed his notebook and he looked at me, hands clasped, with a look of concentration on his face, and slowly said "Thank You"...and then proceeded to giggle in my amazement that he had just spoken English.  Turns out his dad knows a little bit and since then I have heard such words as "hi, bye, right left, open, close" and they are all followed by a "Thank you" or "Thank you very much."  Now we help each other out and speak in Spanglish.  He asks me how to say certain words in English and he finishes my sentences in Spanish if I don't know the word I am trying to say.  I have not been at the school for very long but I can't imagine if I had missed having my volunteer time there a part of my experience in Peru.  It's been so rewarding and Dean and all of the others easily bring a smile to my face everytime I walk in the classroom.  I've not worked that much with children, let alone children with disabilities, but they can teach us all something about being happy and grateful for the life we have been given.  Despite their disabilities they meet each day with enthusiasm and a smile.

On this Thanksgiving, I am thankful for Dean, Francisco, César, Karelia, Abigail, Kimberly, & Miss Maritza at La Alegria de El Señor.

I am thankful for my most amazing family and friends at home that I miss so so so much!!!

I am thankful for my curly locks and how fast they grow :)

I am thankful for all the amazing opportunities I have been travel and see the vast, beautiful world where we live.

I am thankful for my Costa Rican, Argentine, and Peruvian families!

I am thankful to God for all that he has blessed me with.

Happy Thanksgiving!!! xoxo

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